Chloe Rose - Mystic Mentor
Consultation & consent form for those wishing to participate in a Quantum Healing session
Who needs to complete this form?
This form is required only for new quantum healing clients. If you have already had a session with us, then you can provide a verbal update during the session instead of this form.
What is the form information used for?
The details captured in this form are used to tailor your session to meet your individual requirements in the safest possible way. Your personal details and all information disclosed in this form will remain private and will never be shared with a third party. If you believe this confidentiality agreement has been breached, you have the right to request that we delete your details immediately.
Do you need to complete this form now, or can you do so in your session?
Yes, this form must be completed prior to your session.
Booking Terms & Conditions
Upon booking a session, you agree to acknowledge and accept that we are not giving medical advice and do not make any claims to heal you in any way, only show you the tools to support yourself and your own inner journey.
All clients must agree to honestly disclose any medical conditions, illness, injury, and details of
current/past medication before your session.
We ask that you only book this service if you have an honest interest in spirituality and wish to take your inner journey to a deeper level. We will not tolerate behavior that suggests otherwise.
Kindness and compassion is a 2-way exchange.