Namaste and welcome, I'm Chloe, the founder of Heartful Yoga. Thank you SO much for supporting my webpage and for listening to the calling of your heart and your own healing journey.

In 2020 I made the best decision of my life...

I decided to listen to the calling of my heart and take action by leaving behind my 10-year career working in Hospitality & Events Management, to start my journey of becoming a Yoga teacher. 

I took my 2-month Yoga teaching training course right at the start of the 2020, and due to the circumstances at the time, I had the absolute blessing of 1-1 lessons every day with my incredible Yoga teachers in Rishikesh, India. 

I was taught the traditional (non-western) teachings of both Kundalini & Hatha Yoga, including learning all of the basic asanas, intensive chakra education, traditional philosophies, advanced meditation techniques, pranayam (breathwork), mantra, anatomy & Ayurveda (learning about nutrition & body types). 

I never could have comprehended the amount of knowledge that I was gifted throughout this course and I am eternally grateful to Sri Yoga Ashram & all of my teachers.

Since then I have been working with my students 1-1, teaching group classes, and hosting women's circles and spiritual gatherings. 

It hasn't been an easy ride, but I am here to tell the tales and to use my experiences (and mistakes) to help show others the way to connect to themselves and their true calling.

It's time to re-learn ourselves.

It all started with my own healing journey. After years of experiencing depression, anxiety, self-loathing, crippling shyness, abuse, toxic relationships, emotional wounds, constant sickness, and drug and alcohol misuse, I decided that it was time I took matters into my own hands.

My journey started with regular Yoga & meditation practice, which made me appreciate the importance of solitude. My next step was journalling. I would write pages and pages about my life as an emotional release. I then began to work with the cycles of the moon to help me to make space for new energy in my life. Next came crystal healing, learning to appreciate and respect the amazingly conductive power of these natural geometrical formations. Next came the realisation that I needed to change my lifestyle, I slowly changed the food I am consuming to organic, locally sourced foods (when possible) and the changes in my physical and mental body were unfathomable! Then I made the choice to consciously choose natural healing methods and I have rarely been sick since the moment I made that decision.

A few years later I discovered Kundalini Yoga...*Wow*, this literally changed my life. It taught me how to connect with my body on such a deep level, and the understanding of the Chakras has totally changed the way I approach my own healing. Kundalini Yoga also helped me to understand my addiction to smoking, the practice literally re-wired my addictive behavior patterns.

Recently I have been studying astrology, which again has helped me to not only gain a deeper understanding of myself but also of my friends, family, and relationship patterns. Sound healing and plant medicine are my latest ventures, both of which have profound healing benefits. I am on a constant journey of connecting to my spirit guides, star family and remembering past lives, all of which are used to support the intuitive guidance that I offer when working with my clients. I am absolutely delighted to be sharing my healing journey with you and I hope that we can start an adventure together!

I am a certified Yoga Alliance 200H Yoga teacher, specialising in Traditional Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Breath Work, Yoga Nidra & more. I have been practicing Yoga for more than 10 years and I wish to spread the love and joy that I have gained from the years of my personal practice & my own spiritual journey.

I work with each client on a personal level, using multiple different healing tools to meet individual needs. If this sounds like something you may be interested in exploring, please feel free to book in a complimentary consultation call with the following link:


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi